
also known as cycad Learn more about also known as cycad

  • What kinds of cycads do you have?

    What kinds of cycads do you have?

    Cycas is a rare plant group in the world. There are 24 species in existence. The most common ones in gardens are South China Cycas, Sichuan Cycas, Panzhihua Cycas, Diffusion Cycas, Cycas multifida, Cycas zemi, etc.

  • Sowing methods and matters needing attention of Cycas

    Sowing methods and matters needing attention of Cycas

    In fact, cycads are commonly known as iron trees. Cycads are named because of their high wood density and sinking when they enter the water. Cycad is a relatively common and beautiful ornamental tree species. The editor will introduce to you the sowing methods and matters needing attention of cycads.

  • How to control cycad leaf blight? What are the main points of daily maintenance?

    How to control cycad leaf blight? What are the main points of daily maintenance?

    Cycad, also known as Irontree, belongs to one of the ferns. The whole shows an upright state, which can be as high as one meter. It is a very popular bonsai plant, so how to control cycad leaf blight in the process of conserving cycad? What are the main points of daily maintenance?

    2020-11-09 How to control cycad leaf blight daily maintenance key points have
  • Methods and matters needing attention of sowing and propagation of cycad

    Methods and matters needing attention of sowing and propagation of cycad

    Cycad is a common foliage plant, and many flower lovers like to cultivate it by themselves. In fact, the cultivation of cycads is not difficult, artificial reproduction can also use the method of sowing, the editor will introduce to you the methods of sowing and reproduction of cycads and matters needing attention.

  • Which kind of iron tree is valuable?

    Which kind of iron tree is valuable?

    Friends who like cultivation and breeding should be no stranger to iron trees, and many people must have heard the saying that iron trees blossom. So which kind of iron tree is valuable? Let's have a look! First, which species of cycads in the precious iron trees are more valuable.

    2020-11-11 Which product planting iron tree precious like cultivation breeding
  • What kind of environment is best for cycads to grow?

    What kind of environment is best for cycads to grow?

    Cycad, which is often called iron tree, is a common indoor ornamental plant, and it can also be watched outdoors. Its whole plant type is still very beautiful.

  • Cycads grow better in such an environment.

    Cycads grow better in such an environment.

    Cycad, which is often called iron tree, is a common indoor ornamental plant, and it can also be watched outdoors. Its whole plant type is still very beautiful.

  • What if the leaves of cycad, a beautiful ornamental tree, turn yellow? What varieties do you have? What are the value functions?

    What if the leaves of cycad, a beautiful ornamental tree, turn yellow? What varieties do you have? What are the value functions?

    Cycad is a beautiful ornamental tree species, cultivation is very common, cycad is a light-loving plant, improper maintenance can easily lead to cycad leaves yellowing. So do you know what to do if the cycad leaves turn yellow? What varieties do you have? What are the value functions? What if the cycad leaves turn yellow? 1. Lack of light during the period when cycads grow new leaves.

  • Is cycad a tree or a shrub? What are the key points of water and fertilizer management?

    Is cycad a tree or a shrub? What are the key points of water and fertilizer management?

    Cycad, also known as Phoenix pine and banana, is a kind of wood with high wood density, which will sink immediately when it is put in the water. Cycads can blossom, but they need varieties that are more than ten years old, such as those planted in the north of our country. Let's take a look at it next.

    2020-11-08 Cycads yes trees or shrubs plants water and fertilizer management key points
  • How to cultivate multi-headed cycads?

    How to cultivate multi-headed cycads?

    Cycads are evergreen all the year round, with beautiful and strange plant types and leaves, long viewing period and extensive management, so they are deeply loved by conservation enthusiasts. Cycads can be placed outdoors or used for indoor viewing. If one-headed cycads can be cultivated into multi-headed cycads, the ornamental value will be even higher.

  • The efficacy and function of Iron Tree

    The efficacy and function of Iron Tree

    The efficacy and function of Iron Tree

  • Maintenance and Management of Iron Tree Bonsai

    Maintenance and Management of Iron Tree Bonsai

    The iron tree is a kind of tree that likes the sun very much. the more sunshine it grows, the stronger it will be. The following are the conventional maintenance methods of iron tree for reference. Maintenance and management of iron tree bonsai (1) during the spring and summer growth period, the basin should be kept moist, but not waterlogged. At high temperatures in midsummer, foliar water should be sprayed frequently to keep the leaves bright green.

  • Maintenance Technology and Management method of Iron Tree Bonsai

    Maintenance Technology and Management method of Iron Tree Bonsai

    The iron tree is a kind of tree that likes the sun very much. the more sunshine it grows, the stronger it will be. The following are the conventional maintenance methods of iron tree for reference. Watering: during the growing period of spring and summer, the basin should be kept moist, but not waterlogged. When it is hot in summer, you should often spray foliar water to keep the leaf color bright green. The basin soil should be properly dry in winter.

  • Planting methods of Iron Tree seed and Magnolia seed

    Planting methods of Iron Tree seed and Magnolia seed

    Iron trees are botanically called cycads, alias Phoenix-tailed bananas, plantains, fire-avoiding plantains, belonging to the cycads family and evergreen trees of the cycads genus. It originated in south-central China, India, Japan and Indonesia, and originated in East and Southeast Asia. Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan and other places are widely cultivated. North China, Northwest and other places as potted plants for indoor viewing. Cycads like sunshine, dry and ventilated environment, not cold-resistant, good fertilizer, like sandy soil, slow growth. Cycads can be up to 8 meters high in the country of origin and 3 meters high in indoor potted plants. the stems are thick and cylindrical and have no branches.

  • The planting of iron tree

    The planting of iron tree

    1, the soil chooses the iron tree likes the soil is rich, loose and the drainage good environment, therefore must not use the clayey soil when planting. It is recommended to use rotten leaf soil or sandy loam, culture soil and other soil. 2. The temperature requires that the iron tree likes the high temperature environment, but at the same time it also requires ventilation.

  • These formaldehyde-free plants are far from that simple, you know?

    These formaldehyde-free plants are far from that simple, you know?

    These formaldehyde-free plants are far from that simple, you know?

  • What kind of breeding does Cycas use?-Propagation methods of Cycas.

    What kind of breeding does Cycas use?-Propagation methods of Cycas.

    Iron tree originated in south-central China, India, Japan and Indonesia, and originated in East and Southeast Asia. Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan and other places are widely cultivated; North China, Northwest China and other places as potted plants for indoor viewing. Cycads like sunshine, dry and ventilated environment, not cold-resistant, good fertilizer, like sandy soil, slow growth

  • Will the latest iron tree blossom?

    Will the latest iron tree blossom?

    The iron tree, also known as cycad, Phoenix-tailed banana, fire-avoiding banana, Phoenix-tailed pine, etc., is an evergreen palm-shaped woody plant of the Cycas family. It is named because the trunk is as hard as iron and it likes iron-containing fertilizers. The tree is graceful, vigorous and simple, large and beautiful leaves.

    2020-11-10 The latest iron tree will it blossom also known as cycad
  • Is the yellowing of iron tree leaves related to improper fertilization? Can the iron tree be yellowed with foliar?

    Is the yellowing of iron tree leaves related to improper fertilization? Can the iron tree be yellowed with foliar?

    After the beginning of summer, most iron trees in the south enter the growing period, and some domestic iron trees do not grow very well, with yellowing leaves, withered yellow basal leaves, green upper leaves, and so on. Most of the above causes are caused by improper management. Remedies: (1) No new leaves have grown so far.

  • Signs of blossom in the cultivation method of iron tree

    Signs of blossom in the cultivation method of iron tree

    When it comes to this iron tree, many people like it. It is full of vitality and is a symbol of good luck. What is the breeding method of iron tree? What is the sign of the iron tree blooming? The culture method of iron tree: cycad is suitable to grow in direct sunlight or bright scattered light, and it is better to be semi-shaded in summer.
